Monday, May 13, 2002

Not fa nothin� Booked my ticket to Brussels, tomorrow. Short train ride (1.5 hours or so, I believe) from there to Amsterdam. If I have time, I�m going to have lunch with a friend of mine from Nice who lives in Waterford, Ireland. It�s been raining since last night, here, and it�s starting to really annoy me. Especially since it�s so inconsistent: It�ll be pouring down rain, then the next minute the clouds will open up and everything will be bathed in perfect sunshine. Then another ten minutes passes and it starts to drizzle, proceeding quickly to yet another downpour. It�s maddening. Cork ...actually reminds me of Providence, minus the tall buildings. Ok, minus the tall buildings and anything done to it in the last 15 years. Yea, maybe Providence with no high rises in the dark ages of the 1980's. There's a nice looking river, about the breadth of the Providence River, running through the middle of town. To the east, a hill a bit smaller than College Hill, but with the same sort of sloping and plenty of antique looking houses. To the north, rather than a valley like we have in Providence, the hill curves around. Imagine elevating Pawtucket a few hunded feet and you'd achieve roughly the same effect. When I wrote this down, the road I was on also sort of reminded me of Jeremy's 'funcut' off 146 near his house. The bus driver's driving like Jer, too, so, therefore, I feared for my life. The municipal buses in Cork are the exact same as the ones in Sydney. Different upholstery, of course, and ad placements, but basically the same. Blarney Yea, I kissed the stone. Wasn't quite what I envisioned. A lot smaller, for one, and the position you have to get yourself in is insane. I had these anglo-american tourist girls take my picture. I'll try and upload it from Amsterdam or Berlin. There's not really a whole lot to say other than I'm thankful I didn't wreck my digital camera in the rain. That and more places should take American Express. Wow, was this my least inspired update yet, or what? :) Much love, guys.


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