Countdown continues...
Jesus. In 30 hours I'll be off to the other side of the world. How the hell did that happen? I'm honestly at a loss. I'm not packed, I'm not really mentally prepared. About the only things really in order are the documents, and I had to be forced at gunpoint to do them. That's not to say that I'm reticent to go or that I don't want to go, it's just that I can't quite bring myself to believe that this is about to happen. It still hasn't really hit me. It hit me a little bit on Friday night, when we had people over for this little get together (much beer bought, much beer consumed, Nate turned out to be a worse grill-master than I, I saw Walter's girlfriend Caitlin for the first time in like 2 years, lots of fun stuff) and I said the second round of goodbyes. The first were at Brown, some more emotional than others. This last round might be the one that does it, where I really realize that the road ahead is long and unknown. It's just this big conflict between the intellectual part of me and my soul. I know in my head what's going on, what's going to happen. I just don't feel it yet.
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