Praise the Lord and Hallelujah, pretty much...
Unbelievably, almost inconceivably, my back has been made better not through Jack Daniel's, Advil and TLC, but hot water, funky Indian stretching exercises, and a non-rock-hard bed. Unbelievable. I have to admit, the other method is actually a bit more fun, but what are you gonna do? In a nice new bit of hilarity, just as the sneezy, blurry, pain-induced haze of the back pain was fading and I felt like I wanted to just dance, dance, dance for the rest of my life (just kidding), I was attacked by that wonderful Indian insitution: DELHI BELLY!! W00!! Wow, what an experience this "Indian Experience" is. "Come to magical India, where Pain and Vistas await you." "Come to India, where you may see a beautiful vista if you can leave the can for long enough." And so on. I'm sure you can imagine my other, not-quite-fit-for-public-consumption thoughts on the subject. Anyway, I feel quite a bit better now. I can walk around and bend in all directions without cringing or feeling nauseated. Seems the belly thang only lasts like three or four days, which is, indeed, a blessing. Praise the Lord, Hallelujah.
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