Saturday, May 18, 2002

Berlin part zwei Berlin is really a very cool city. Beautiful weather here, thus far. It�s been like 70 with spotless skies the whole time I�ve been here. It even has that nice early-summer feel at night; reminds me of the Cape, actually: cool enough to warrant a sweater, but just warm enough to permit sandals. And stars. One can actually see some stars here, which is extremely odd for a city of its size. The people are beautiful, too. It�s humbling that the only people noticeably not fit (and I do mean fit, not just skinny: these people look like real athletes) are the American tourists and the Italian cooks. Such a shame. Steeles my resolve to be extremely active this summer, though. They�re all blond haired and blue eyed, too, though, here, so at least I can sort of fit in in that regard. Today I did the touristy things: tried to see the Reichstag, but the line was too long, walked through this big park whose name I forget, then took a balloon trip (no joke) about 500 feet above Berlin. Very cool. Can�t wait to get the pictures up, as well as the ones from Ireland. Thoughts that pass through my head every every landing Designed by the smartest people in the world. Safer to fly then drive. Boeing. Billion dollar profits. At what cost? Marvel of American industrial power. This is an Airbus. Shut up. Smartest people in the world. Trust in technology an economic necessity. Sheep to the slaughter. Shut up. Da Vinci and the helicopter. Boeing. Smartest people in the world. Man�s triumph over gravity. Flying in the face of God. No we�re not. This is a new tool in our inborn need to explore, seek out new horizons. Our proficiency at this denotes that we should go to Mars and beyond. Titanic. Shut up. Smartest people in the world. Really? Uncle John studies space rocks, and Dad, the smartest man in the world, studies law and literature and mythology. But, but... A-ha! We can�t crash. I�m meant to live. I refuse to be a statistic. I�m going to do great things. Copenhagen Interpretation. Maybe some other life. God loves me. We talk. He�d have warned me, not let me take the plane somehow. God does not love you. You are not special. You are no different than anyone else on this plane. You are not a little white snowflake. Your plane is about to crash. You�re gone. Face it. Touchdown. Reverse thrusters. Slow to a halt. Collective sigh. Ha! I knew it. God bless technology. Yea, right. See you next time. Ze future I changed from a hotel to a hostel this morning. It�s called, and my mom and family in Kansas will love this, the Sunflower Hostel. I managed to get a single room for 2 nights, and on Monday afternoon I�m going to take the train to Munich. There I�ll probably meet Lina, my long lost german friend, and her family, and maybe some people I met in Nice.


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