Monday, August 09, 2004

Assorted Thoughts

:: My English spelling has become just terrible. It was always pretty good, something I could be proud of, but thinking simultaneously in English, French, and now Hindi is just terrible for that sort of thing. I've made tons of simple mistakes lately (probably on this blog), and I keep wondering if I'm going to start writing an entry on how I bought a new book by saying "J'ai ach�t� this kitab..." :: Uh oh. Uncle John's online now. That's 2, count-em, two McGuirk's truly in cyberspace. It's also competition. I can't wait. :: This article about the only female Delhi rickshaw driver is pretty funny. Why does only the BBC seem to do quality, wide-ranging reporting? Old-timers: was it always this way or did Americans, at one point, actually know how to cover the world? Seriously, the New York Times is great and all, but they have a measly international section. It pales in comparison to the Beeb. Sometimes it feels like they even have a better handle on American politics than institutions like the Times! :: It's so odd, becoming a morning person all of a sudden. I mean, the majority of morning that I've been in India I've been up before 7 in the morning. Of my own violition. Those that know me well are understandably skeptical and disbelieving. I am too! I'm also starting to understand why Mom has always gotten up so early, and why people do it around the world. The day is just so much longer, so much more accessible. I get a ton done between 6:10, when I get up, and 9 when I have to leave for school most days. Yet it's still a shock to look at the clock and realize that it's 7:37 and I've been up for an hour and a half. :: Karma: The law of moral cause and effect; also a person's moral merit/demerit according to one's actions and (moreso) the inner intentions or motives which accompany them in terms of their conformity/non-conformity with dharma. In other words, you get what you deserve. Nice concept, that one. :: Comment spammers (like those currently plaguing should be taken out back and shot like the vermin they are. The whole concept of spamming is just offensive. It's even more offensive that they try tot hide behind the mantle of the 1st Amendment. It's happened throughout history, though: impure souls hiding behind something pure and good. :: Unbelievably, I was running my powerbook without the firewall enabled all this time. Hello and goodbye to any and all hackers that tried to break in. Sheesh. :: want want want want want want want... :: I hope all is well with everyone. Stay safe. A lot of people are travelling right now, so I wish you all safe journeys. Come back to us in one piece.


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